Wednesday 10 April 2013


Ankara has been in use for a several decades in Africa by many tribes within the country. This fabric has originated from Europe and is also known as the Dutch Wax print. It was originally manufactured by the Dutch for the Indonesian textile market. It garnered significant interest in West Africa than in its originally intended market and as such, the prints have changed to reflect African culture and lifestyle. In the 70's, 80's and 90's, most of the designs were simple and mostly worn as a wrap-around dress. As with the ever evolving taste in fresh new styles and trends as is witnessed in the fashion business worldwide, the African consumers have continued to influence the design of more stylish and elegant clothes made from the Ankara fabric. Africans love to wear clothes made with this fabric and fashion designers are becoming very creative and more innovative with their designs. The versatility of Ankara has been demonstrated by different designers and in various designs. I have posted some pictures of some excellently designed dresses made from Ankara, as well as some made in combination with Lace. Below are some of the latest fashion trends with Ankara outfits. You can also see one worn with a sky-blue floppy straw hat and sash. These are some of the stylish and creative ways in which these designs are worn in a refreshingly new trend.

Your feedbacks and comments are welcome. xoxo

 * Photos courtesy of &

Friday 5 April 2013

Sexy, Cool African Print Dresses

Many designers in Nigeria and all over the world are inspired by the Ankara fabric. You can look stylish in African Prints too; the innovative designs above are elegant and sexy! 

Where can these be worn to - the beach, party or the movies??? Tell me what you think. xoxo